Equipment Needed to Grow Marijuana

Growing medical marijuana in a commercial growing operation is more complex than growing a few pot plants in your closet. However, the basics are still the same. Growing cannabis indoors is based on providing an optimal environment for the plants to thrive in. Professional growing equipment provides the plants with what nature does (light, water, nutrients), only in a controlled environment that allows the grower to minimize the time it takes to bring them to harvest.

Growing cannabis plants indoors has other advantages too, like protection from insects, rabbits, deer, and humans who will steal them. If you are considering what it takes to launch a commercial marijuana growing business, then you're going to have to become familiar with your state's requirements for licensure to keep you legal. You're also going to have to dive in and get to know what equipment is best for your unique budget, setting, and situation.

Equipment Needed to Grow Marijuana

Assuming that you have satisfied the government's requirements and are ready to begin producing those top-grade medical nugs, it's time to purchase the best equipment for the job. Following is a list of the basics that every grower needs to begin growing cannabis to turn out consistent, predictable, and fruitful harvests:

Large commercial cannabis growing operations need space. Modern state-of-the-art pot grows typically take place in large greenhouses. The different types you'll encounter are Venlo, Curved Glass, High Tunnel, Coldframe, Poly Covered, and Freestanding structures. The largest grows take place in warehouses that accommodate thousands of plants growing continuously throughout the year.

A high-pressure sodium (HPS), metal halide, or LED lighting system provides your cannabis plants with the light lumens they require to grow. These lights are designed to emit specific light waves that expedite the growing cycle and can be used 24 hours daily during the vegetative stage of growth. During the budding cycle, the lights are reduced to 12 hours daily or less until the plants are ready for harvest.

Rolling benches, grow tables, and grow tents are needed. Depending on the size of your operation, you will need multiple tables, each with a specialized system for delivering water and nutrients. Tents are commonly used to house mother plants that clones are cut from.

You're going to need an efficient ventilation system. These systems keep the intense heat that builds up from traditional HPS lighting systems from scorching and damaging (or killing) your precious plants. Ventilation also exchanges stale air for fresh and directs the pungent fumes from the grow out and away from the growing area.

High Times
reports that nutrients are the most expensive consideration of a professional growing operation. Commercially growing marijuana greatly reduces the time the plants require to reach harvestable maturation. The "nutes" are expensive and needed in bulk quantities, repetitively, as long as you intend to keep growing those AAA-class buds.

After you have your greenhouse, lighting, tables, nutrients, and ventilation systems all in place, then you're going to need about a hundred other smaller system components to make everything operate efficiently and produce the best products.

Some of these considerations are CO2 delivery units, timers, thermometers, plumbing lines, water reservoirs, reverse osmosis filtering systems, reflective film and tape, cloning stations, potting containers, growing mediums, trimming scissors, and various other odds and ends that make the mark of a professional grow.

GGS Structures Inc - Marijuana Grow Lights for your Commercial Greenhouse & Indoor Cannabis Grow Facility
Cannabis Business Plan - How Much Does it Cost to Grow Cannabis Indoor?
High Times - Grow Archives

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